Iterate through the LOOP body blocks a given number of times (or -1 times for infinite looping).Params:num_loops : intnumber of times to iterate through body nodes, default is "-1" meaning infinity.Returns:body : DataContainerForwards the input DataContainer to the body.end : DataContainerForwards the input DataContainer to the end.
Python Code
import json
from typing import TypedDict, Any, Optional
from flojoy import JobResultBuilder, DataContainer, flojoy, DefaultParams, SmallMemory
memory_key = "loop-info"
class LoopOutput(TypedDict):
body: Any
end: Any
class LoopData:
def __init__(
node_id: str,
num_loops: int = -1,
current_iteration: int = 0,
is_finished: bool = False,
) -> None:
self.node_id = node_id
self.num_loops = int(num_loops)
self.current_iteration = int(current_iteration)
self.is_finished = bool(is_finished)
def restart(self):
self.current_iteration = 0
self.is_finished = False
def step(self):
self.current_iteration += 1
if self.current_iteration > self.num_loops:
self.is_finished = True
def get_data(self):
return {
"node_id": self.node_id,
"num_loops": self.num_loops,
"current_iteration": self.current_iteration,
"is_finished": self.is_finished,
def from_data(node_id: str, data: dict[str, Any]):
loop_data = LoopData(
num_loops=data.get("num_loops", -1),
current_iteration=data.get("current_iteration", 0),
is_finished=data.get("is_finished", False),
return loop_data
def print(self, prefix: str = ""):
print(f"{prefix}loop Data:", json.dumps(self.get_data(), indent=2))
def LOOP(
default_params: DefaultParams,
default: Optional[DataContainer] = None,
num_loops: int = -1,
) -> LoopOutput:
"""Iterate through the LOOP body blocks a given number of times (or -1 times for infinite looping).
num_loops : int
number of times to iterate through body nodes, default is "-1" meaning infinity.
body : DataContainer
Forwards the input DataContainer to the body.
end : DataContainer
Forwards the input DataContainer to the end.
node_id = default_params.node_id
loop_data: LoopData = load_loop_data(node_id, num_loops)
# given the addition of the break node, it is possible that
# another node can write to the data of this loop. we have to
# now check if that's the case, and if so, return
if loop_data.get_data().get("is_finished"):
# ensure that the node can be restarted after
# breaking, like in a nested loop
loop_data.is_finished = False
store_loop_data(node_id, loop_data)
return build_result([default] if default else [], True)
# again owing to the addition of the break node, we
# need to write the data to memory first before
# processing logic so other nodes can always see the data
store_loop_data(node_id, loop_data)
# infinite loop
if num_loops == -1:
return build_result(inputs=[default] if default else [], is_loop_finished=False)
# loop was previously finished, but now re-executing, so restart
if loop_data.is_finished:
if not loop_data.is_finished:
store_loop_data(node_id, loop_data)
return build_result([default] if default else [], loop_data.is_finished)
def load_loop_data(node_id: str, default_num_loops: int) -> LoopData:
data: dict[str, Any] = SmallMemory().read_memory(node_id, memory_key) or {}
loop_data = LoopData.from_data(
node_id=node_id, data={"num_loops": default_num_loops, **data}
return loop_data
def store_loop_data(node_id: str, loop_data: LoopData):
SmallMemory().write_to_memory(node_id, memory_key, loop_data.get_data())
def delete_loop_data(node_id: str):
SmallMemory().delete_object(node_id, memory_key)
def build_result(inputs: list[DataContainer], is_loop_finished: bool):
return LoopOutput(
flag=is_loop_finished, false_direction=["body"], true_direction=["end"]
flag=is_loop_finished, false_direction=["body"], true_direction=["end"]
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This example shows a simple way to create a loop with Flojoy. First, you’ll need to place these three nodes:
node which will define the number of loops. -
node tracks the loop index (the number of loops that has occured). The index starts at 1 in Flojoy. -
node which is connected to the “end” output of the [LOOP
] node, which serve, to terminate the program.
Then click on [LOOP
] and change the number of loops to 100 (the default is -1 which causes the loop to repeat indefinitely). Click on [LOOP_INDEX
] and change the referred node to [LOOP
You can then run the app and watch the loop index increase to 100 as the loop continues.