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AI & ML Overview

Welcome to the AI & ML blocks page! Here you can find a list of all the Flojoy Blocks and examples to produce no-code apps with Python-based AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) models.


SPEECH_2_TEXTPerforms speech to text on the selected audio file.


ACCURACYTake two dataframes with the true and predicted labels from a classification task, and indicates whether the prediction was correct or not.
ONE_HOT_ENCODINGCreate a one-hot encoding from a dataframe containing categorical features.
SUPPORT_VECTOR_MACHINETrain a support vector machine (SVM) model for classification tasks.
TORCHSCRIPT_CLASSIFIERExecute a TorchScript classifier against an input image.
TRAIN_TEST_SPLITSplit an input dataframe into test and training dataframes according to a size parameter.


NLP_CONNECT_VIT_GPT2Caption an input image and produce an output string wrapped in a dataframe.


HUGGING_FACE_PIPELINEUse a Hugging Face classification pipeline to process and classify an image.


ONNX_MODELLoad a serialized ONNX model and uses it to make predictions using ONNX Runtime.


COUNT_VECTORIZERReceive a collection of text documents (as a matrix, vector, or dataframe) and convert it into a matrix of token counts.


OBJECT_DETECTIONDetect objects in an input image with YOLOv3, then return an image DataContainer with those objects highlighted.


PROPHET_PREDICTRun a Prophet time series prediction model on an incoming dataframe.


LEAST_SQUARESPerform a least squares regression on the input DataContainer (input can be a Matrix or OrderedPair).


DEEPLAB_V3Return a segmentation mask from an input image.


BART_LARGE_CNNTake an input dataframe with multiple rows and a single column, then produce a dataframe with a single "summary_text" column.