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SciPy Overview

Welcome to Flojoy’s SciPy Blocks. Here are all the SciPy functions we support out of the box!


ARGRELMAXThe ARGRELMAX node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
ARGRELMINThe ARGRELMIN node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
BSPLINEThe BSPLINE node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
CUBICThe CUBIC node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
DECIMATEThe DECIMATE node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
DETRENDThe DETREND node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
GAUSS_SPLINEThe GAUSS_SPLINE node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
HILBERTThe HILBERT node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
KAISER_BETAThe KAISER_BETA node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
PERIODOGRAMThe PERIODOGRAM node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
QUADRATICThe QUADRATIC node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SAVGOL_FILTERThe SAVGOL_FILTER node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
STFTThe STFT node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
WELCHThe WELCH node is based on a numpy or scipy function.


ANDERSONThe ANDERSON node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
BAYES_MVSThe BAYES_MVS node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
BINOM_TESTThe BINOM_TEST node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
DESCRIBEThe DESCRIBE node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
GSTDThe GSTD node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
GZSCOREThe GZSCORE node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
JARQUE_BERAThe JARQUE_BERA node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
KURTOSISThe KURTOSIS node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
KURTOSISTESTThe KURTOSISTEST node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
MOMENTThe MOMENT node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
MVSDISTThe MVSDIST node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
NORMALTESTThe NORMALTEST node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SEMThe SEM node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SHAPIROThe SHAPIRO node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SIGMACLIPThe SIGMACLIP node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SKEWThe SKEW node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
SKEWTESTThe SKEWTEST node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
TMAXThe TMAX node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
TMINThe TMIN node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
TRIM1The TRIM1 node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
TRIMBOTHThe TRIMBOTH node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
TRIM_MEANThe TRIM_MEAN node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
TTEST_1SAMPThe TTEST_1SAMP node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
VARIATIONThe VARIATION node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
YEOJOHNSONThe YEOJOHNSON node is based on a numpy or scipy function.
ZSCOREThe ZSCORE node is based on a numpy or scipy function.